Thursday, August 25, 2011

A New Era

A New era in U.S foriegn relations

This is one smart guy. I really like pretty much every article ive read by him.

Some highlights 
"Compared to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Libya operation was a bargain.  It cost the U.S. about $1 billion.  The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan collectively cost the U.S. $1.3 trillion. In other words, success in Libya could be achieved at less than one-tenth of one percent of the cost of the interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan.  That's not a bad model for the future."


  1. This guy is so smart, it makes me wonder why he works for CNN. This is a shrewd analysis of the Libyan intervention, and I agree with it. I only hope the west can now leave Libya to the Libyans, and maybe arrange to move some of those planes Syria's way.

  2. i agree that it is a shrewd strategy. low risk/cost. easy exit strategy. I really like the mention of indigineous support. ie dont push your agendy on unwilling participants.... amazing

  3. It's so obvious,isn't it, and so counter to the Bush-Rumsfeld method of winning hearts and minds *after* you bomb the shit out of them.

  4. Rumsfeld has a new memoir out....

